Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Can" You Help?

It's that time of year again where everyone and their dog starts asking for donations to help the (insert cause here). People are ringing bells at every store entrance, churches are looking for food, clothes and money, and on top of all that, the money sucking holidays are here.

Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. I love seeing family, eating myself in to a coma, trading gifts, singing carols, watching the years top 100 of everything on almost every cable channel, and putting another year to bed while looking at the possibilities of what the next one has in store.

I am asking the readers of my blog for help. We are in a battle of EPIC proportions to raise CANS for Harvesters. I am the captain of team BACK PACK SNACK ATTACK. Most of the readers of this blog are friends and family, the ones I care about most of all in this world. I am asking for your donations. It can be cans or money. These donations will feed many hungry people around Kansas City.

The reason that we picked the name BACK PACK SNACK ATTACK is because of a program that Harvesters do to feed kids over the weekend with back packs full of food. Click here for more info on the program.

Most of you know that I work for a kid and family marketing firm. One of the many great things about working for C3 is the charity component of what we do. Our goal for 2009 was to have 2500 hours of community service as an entire company. I have no doubt that we will exceed that goal.

Did you know that every $1 donation will feed 5 people?

I need your help. I would like to raise $200 but I cannot do it alone. If you would like to help please send me a note and I will get in touch with you and work out the details. If you have cans that need to be picked up at your house tell me when and where I will drop by to grab them.

This healthy competition ends Tuesday, Nov 17th at noon.

What "CAN" you do to help?

Oh, and about the video. My leading style can take on many styles. (Some will compare it to Michael Scott of the office.) I am not a very serious guy. I believe that almost everything can be fun. Instead of boring team meetings, I have decided to communicate with my team in a very futuristic way. It is called ELECTRONIC MAIL. For those that don't know about it yet, it is going to be huge in 2010. Just wait and see. I am hoping to do videos about the happenings of KAN CITY throughout this week.

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