Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blink and You'll Miss It...

I have neglected my space on the web for over a year and need to get back in the rhythm of contributing to my blog on a regular basis.

It is hard to believe that Hudson is 9 months old. The time has just flown by. People will tell you that once you have a kid you cannot understand where the time goes. "Don't blink. You will miss your kids growing up. You'll wake up one day and your son/daughter will be preparing for college."

Truer words have not been spoken.  It has been 9 months of love filled smiles and family firsts.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Hud went from this...

To this...

Every day Hud makes Nicole and I smile and it reminds me that the most important things that surround my life are my family.  

Off to more adventures.

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